Mum & Kids Exposed To Man Viewing Porn In Public Library

10 months ago

Recently a mum visited Pukekohe Library with her two young kids, and saw a man looking at porn a library computer. Here is her story.
This man is known to library staff for this behavior, he has not been trespassed or charged. Katy shares her actions to protect her community. Katy is a mumma bear in action.

Auckland Council's Public Safety and Nuisance Bylaw 2013, section 6(1):

Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, section 45(b):

Facebook post sent out to local community pages:

My friend and her family are feeling traumatised after a visit to Pukekohe Library this past week. My friend was horrified to see that the man sitting next to her and her 7 year old daughter was viewing pornography. To add to this, he is apparently known to the library staff as other members of the public have previously reported him. They said he is a "daily visitor" and that, according to their policy, they can't ask him to leave until a staff member catches him.

Surely that couldn't be too difficult to do, if he is a daily visitor? Why has this not been an immediate priority? How can they in good conscience allow children to be in the same space as a known predator. If you find this appalling and a breach of the community's trust, please speak up.

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