Profunda Brachii Artery (deep brachial artery) Anatomy Flashcards | 13 Questions and Answers

1 month ago

The profunda brachii artery, also known as the deep brachial artery, and is also named Arteria Profunda Brachii is a vessel that nourishes the muscles and bone of the posterior arm. The origin of the profunda brachii artery is from the brachial artery and follows the radial nerve through the radial groove of the humerus. Branches given off by the profunda brachii artery are the nutrient artery of the humerus, the deltoid branch, and the radial and middle collateral arteries. The profunda brachii artery is essential for the function and health of the arm.

Study the profunda brachii artery anatomy with these 13 questions and answers. Learn what does the profunda brachii artery supply? And more.

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