David Daleiden Gives Legal Update on Unjust Pending Charges on EWTN Pro-Life Weekly

3 months ago

Host of EWTN Pro-Life Weekly, Catherine Hadro, asks David Daleiden for an update on his legal battle against unjust criminal and civil charges for exposing the evils of Planned Parenthood's sale of baby body parts.

CATHERINE: "Once you released your undercover Planned Parenthood videos in 2015, which allegedly showed the abortion giant unlawfully profiting from the sale of aborted baby parts, you faced multiple lawsuits from Planned Parenthood. Can you just give bring us up to speed where are you at with those? And do you still face the risk of going to prison?

DAVID: Yes. Yeah. So most of the offensive lawsuits that Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation brought, those are all going up on appeal right now. The criminal case that Kamala Harris launched when she was attorney general of California. Interestingly, we still don't have a trial date in that case. They're sort of acting like they don't want to they don't want to deal with it anymore. And I think there's many, many reasons for that. But it just came out a couple of months ago in open court. The prosecutor admitted that she took search warrant material that they seized from me on my laptops, my emails, attorney client privilege emails with my attorneys, all while the Planned Parenthood and NAF lawsuits were going on and handed it over to Planned Parenthood leadership at the National Abortion Federation. This is a gross violation of prosecutorial rules. Ethics flagrantly illegal to use law enforcement powers like a search warrant in order to give a private third party with their own separate lawsuit a leg up in the in the lawsuit. So if if if we've we've submitted a motion to compel the discovery and we want we want all the communications that the prosecutor and the Kamala Harris office had with Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation and other leaders in the abortion industry for the past six years. Now that this has all been going on, we've brought a motion to compel to try to get all that information just from the plain words of what the prosecutor has now admitted, though. And this was a deputy prosecutor appointed over this case by Kamala Harris six years ago, just in the plain words of what they admitted, they've admitted this case and all the civil cases should be thrown out immediately based on the gross prosecutorial misconduct and collusion between the attorney general's office under Kamala Harris and Planned Parenthood and NAF on the outside.

CATHERINE: Well, be assured of our continued prayers for you and your work.David Daleiden, thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us. Thank you.

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