Fetal Trafficking Under Oath - Planned Parenthood's Admissions About Infanticide

7 months ago

TalaneTV video of 2nd-trimester fetus delivered prematurely available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSDasZYM0jk

University of Pittsburgh live fetal experimentation video available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkK4d9pIneE


Under Oath, Procurement Manager Testifies Fetuses “Just Fall Out,” Hearts Beating when Harvested; Planned Parenthood Execs Admit Infants Born Alive and Left to Die in Clinics Depending on “Availability of Interventions”

Contact: David Daleiden, media@centerformedicalprogress.org, 949.734.0859

IRVINE, June 30--The Center for Medical Progress released a second video today featuring unsealed video clips from Planned Parenthood and abortion industry officials’ sworn deposition testimony, with disturbing descriptions of infants born alive and either harvested for organs or left to die inside abortion clinics.

The new video includes unsealed deposition testimony from Perrin Larton, the Procurement Manager of Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc. (ABR), which harvests fetal organs and tissues inside Planned Parenthood clinics in southern California and resells them to taxpayer-sponsored researchers across the country. Larton testified about the fetuses ABR harvests that “They just, sometimes they fall out” of the abortion patient when the patient delivers the fetus entirely intact in the operating room, “once every couple months.” Larton further testified that the fetus is still intact when she receives it in the clinic laboratory and nothing is “done to the fetus” by the abortion provider before providing it intact to Larton, at which point she testified that ABR will “do a dissection to get the tissues that the researchers have requested.” When asked if the intact fetuses that just “fall out” in the operating room have a heartbeat, Larton testified, “It would depend,” because “I can see hearts that are not in an intact P.O.C. [product of conception, fetus] that are beating independently” after removal from the fetus.

The video also features testimony from Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the previous Senior Director of Medical Services for Planned Parenthood Federation of America who continues to hold regional leadership positions in the organization. When asked if she had “ever had a patient deliver in the operating room a non-viable fetus,” Dr. Nucatola testified, “I’m sure I have.” Asked to define “non-viable,” Dr. Nucatola testified a “non-viable” fetus would be “a fetus that’s not capable of survival.” When asked how to determine whether or not a fetus was viable, Dr. Nucatola testified, “It depends on where you work,” and explained that “the availability of interventions” was one of the criteria she would use to determine whether or not a fetus delivered in the operating room was “viable” or “capable of survival.” During her tenure as Senior Director of Medical Services for PPFA, Dr. Nucatola was responsible for setting PPFA’s national Medical Standards & Guidelines and she performed abortions at Planned Parenthood Los Angeles to provide fetal organs to Novogenix Laboratories, LLC.

The video also includes testimony from Jon Dunn, the CEO of Planned Parenthood of Orange & San Bernardino Counties, which was partnered with the admitted criminal fetal tissue companies DaVinci Biosciences and DV Biologics for nearly 8 years. Dunn testified that he was aware of at least one situation at his Planned Parenthood where a fetus had been born alive during an abortion: “I know they kept it warm and comfortable for the very brief period that it was alive. I don't think there was even time to call 911.” Dunn also testified that, “This is something that every obstetrician/gynecologist deals with on rare occasion” and “It is their medical judgment what to do in that circumstance.”

Last month, the Small Business Administration demanded 37 Planned Parenthood affiliates return $80 million in federal relief loans they fraudulently certified they were eligible for, and 27 Senators called on Attorney General Bill Barr to broaden the U.S. Department of Justice investigation of the Planned Parenthood affiliates' activities. Last week, 67 Congressmen wrote to the DOJ demanding an update on the DOJ’s follow-up on Congressional criminal referrals for Planned Parenthood and their business partners.

CMP project lead David Daleiden asks, “How long will public authorities permit Planned Parenthood and their associates to sell living children inside and outside the womb and then kill them through organ harvesting? The DOJ has vigorously prosecuted the sale of eagle body parts. Surely selling human body parts after cutting them out of an infant with a beating heart is at least as grave of a crime.”


View the documents and testimony here: http://www.centerformedicalprogress.org/fetal-trafficking-under-oath/

To learn more about CMP, visit: www.CMP.org

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