The CCP has not only infiltrated the U.S. education system but even the Pentagon

2 months ago

3/15/2024 [Aila on Grant Stinchfield Show] Grant Stinchfield: The CCP has not only infiltrated the U.S. education system but even the Pentagon! Aila: The risks posed by the CCP's infiltration of the U.S. education system could affect generations
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP #infiltration
3/15/2024【小飞象做客 Grant Stinchfield Show节目】格兰特·斯廷奇菲尔德:中共不仅渗透了美国的教育系统甚至还渗透到五角大楼!小飞象:中共在美国教育系统的渗透带来的风险会影响几代人
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共 #渗透

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