JAU Zoom Meeting 3-17-24 "You ARE in Jesus"

11 months ago

John 14:20 says we are in Jesus, but when did that occur? Our group today discusses the reality that we have already been placed in Jesus before the world was even formed. That means we have been in Jesus and He in the Father, and we didn't even know it! 

Notes on today's discussions: 

Book: Pagan Christianity, Barna and Viola
Movie: Peace River, Up Faith&Family Streaming channel 
David's Quote: "I could not, with a clear conscience, ask God to take me safely through this war, but I can ask Him for strength and courage to do my job." Soldier Randel Harris from The Day of Battle by Rick Attkinson
Streaming Series: The Chosen, available on Netflix, Peacock, Up Faith and Family, Angel Studios. 
Scriptures: 1 Cor. 1:30; Eph 1:4

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