3 months ago

Tom Trefts USAF 🇺🇸
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Richard Grenell listed in 2021 as President of The United States

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Breaking News 📰
Attention All Veterans - Legendary Grassroots Veterans Activist - Highly Decorated USMC Purple Heart 💜 Vietnam Veterans Latest Conference Call ☎️- working on a Veterans Gathering in Eagle 🦅 Pass Texas in Support of Border Defense Forces. - https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/recorded_audio?audioRecordingUrl=https%3A%2F%2Frs0000.freeconferencecall.com%2Fstorage%2FsgetFCC2%2FaG1s5%2FboZWY

Bombshell Report! “It’s Over” …President Trump! JFK Jr. is Alive and Serving as the New American Republic VP under President Trump While US Inc.’s USD Dies – Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 9, 2024 https://amg-news.com/bqqm-judy-byington-bombshell-report-its-over-president-trump-jfk-jr-is-alive-and-serving-as-the-new-americarepublic-vp-under-president-trump-while-us-inc/

I see people blaming Trump again for the Vaccines… So I put together a video compilation of Trump statements re: The Jab

LISTEN closely and read every single word in this post.

• Booster - “I’ll wait and see, later says he won’t get it.

• “FDA is bureaucratically run. It would have taken 5+ years.

• “I learned things, the FDA is virtually controlled by Pfizer.

• Trump got Pfizer. But he also took Regeneron.

• He has natural immunity because he got Covid… Regeneron treatment.

• “I want people to have their freedoms.”

• “Very early on I took therapeutics, I SHOWED THINGS to the country; therapeutics.”

• Don’t get angry, we did it in 9 months… compared to 5-12 years…

• “I think the other side poisoned people on it.”

• “Vax Manufacturers Should Release Their Vaccine Data“

• “Vax Manufacturers are Holding Back Information. Not Good”

• “Some love the vax. Some hate the vax. I understand both sides”

• “We will not comply…. No mandates”

• “Some day we’re gonna have to sit down and have a little talk about vaccines”


1. Do you understand that we are in a War?

2. Does everyone understand that Trump is not a doctor or a virologist?


4. How many people have you known who are/have been wearing masks, got every booster?

5. How many friends, family members, coworkers, have you tried to redpill about these jabs but didn’t work?

6. What if Hillary won?

7. Final question— imagine if Trump DID NOT become president & said he was done fighting for our country.

How does that make you feel?
Who then do you blame?


We are in a WAR for humanity.

Trump Is a wartime president.
Wartime decisions are not easy.
Wartime generals have to decide which decision(s) will ensure a victory & the fewest casualties.

TRUMP DID NOT MAKE THESE VACCINES! And he damn sure did not force anyone. Stop blaming him!

They wanted everything locked down for many years, until a “vaccine” could come save the day.

If Hillary won in 2016, THEY would have gotten 3 SCOTUS judges, Hundreds of federal judges.

Can you not see the damn problems we would have had if she won?

Never ending LOCKDOWNS that would have absolutely destroyed the middle class & would have suffered a catastrophic economic crisis. NO JUDICIAL HELP!

As much support & love Trump has, ALOT of people support vaccines. They STILL DO.

• Trump DID try to go against the narrative when the pandemic began & he was vilified.

• He wanted people to have a choice on masks & jabs, but he was villified.

• He wanted life to go on & the economy to stay open, but he was villified.

• He offered HCQ & other preventive treatments, ensuring we had EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION, but he was vilified.

Nothing was good enough. Americans bought into the MSM BULLSHIT narrative we needed a Vaccine to feel safe to open the economy back up.

Imagine what life would be like if the economy, businesses, were STILL closed today.

Many WILL NEVER accept the truth. They won’t accept it until MSM tells them so.

HELL, people still walk around with masks, BY THEMSLEVES, because the MSM has people scarred to death.

Trying to speak common sense to Americans DID NOT WORK.

When Trump says these “vaccines” saved countless of lives, you better fucking believe he’s not talking about the jabs.

OPERATION WARPSPEED wasn’t about a vaccine. It was about giving people the confidence to open the world back up & stop CONTRIBUTING to their own fucking demise.

To avoid never ending lockdowns. To stop the collapse of America, the world.

We were slow boiling Frogs.

Trump simply turned up the heat & all of us Frogs jumped the fook out and we are pulling other frogs out every damn day.

Everyone had a choice.
Trump sure isn’t making it for us.

So Blame ourselves for being asleep. Not the man who did the best he could to give us options between a rock and a hard place.



You know what gets me…

Clearly Biden was wearing a mask. There was a fence erected around the Capitol to keep the public from getting close enough to see there was NO ONE present, (pre-recorded or CGI). He was escorted by a US Marshal after his disastrous SOTU address, and to top it all off, DJT posted a video trolling Biden, which showed McCarthy, not Speaker Johnson sitting beside Kamala. That also proves it was pre-recorded footage for the 2023 SOTU speech, yet it was the same commentary as this year’s speech!

The evidence is clear. It’s quite exciting if you ask me! Seriously, how much more proof does one need to see we are witnessing the greatest psyop in history! 🤯

Enjoy the show! 🍿

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Richard Grenell listed in 2021 as President of The United States

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