Growing Pains

1 year ago

~ Supplemental Material ~

"Tears shed for another person are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign of a pure heart."

- Jose N. Harris

As seen in the video, Dan Bongino recently lost his mother (March 15, 2024). Those unfamiliar with his material; he covers politics. Yet every so often, he shares his faith in God. There are of course many people (particularly those in the Western world); that claim to be Christians.

Simply agreeing with the ideology, doesn't make for a genuine believer. Religion, when it is predominant in an area; it becomes part of the culture. "Cultural Christianity" is a common condition that a large segment of those that say they are of the faith but are not "practicing" or isn't the core driver for the individual.

Those that examine Dan's material; will be able to discern that he isn't merely a "cultural Christian." Case and point, in the video, he shares how he didn't have a great relationship with his mother. He simply shares that point, which leads to him expressing how it ties into; what some would describe as God moving, within the situation.

With his ability to share that aspect of God's graciousness; he had done so, without doing what is the "norm" for the culture: sharing everything, without discretion i.e., "being open." That's just a small nuance, that most would miss.

There are many other similar instances, where Dan has exercised "godly" behavior; that goes beyond simply knowing a bunch of information. Something that only occurs when knowledge goes from information and is transformed into a lifestyle.

In the video that's linked below; if one were to examine it, from timestamp 3 minutes and 11 seconds - 5 minutes and 25 seconds; one can see that the ideals of the Bible are part of him, opposed to merely an accepted point of view. Again, modeling Jesus through his words and deeds

This is a defining characteristic of a person who is a "born again" Christian. Usually it isn't always easy to tell if an individual is born again. This isn't in reference to the denomination a person believes in but rather the manner in how they live their Christian faith.

Every so often, there's always little glimmers that reveal a person's soul and the type of Christian they are. Though Dan's broadcast isn't a religious one; he opens windows to share his faith; in a way, some would call "classy." By doing so, shines the light of Jesus to those that are listening.

Considering taking the time to pray for Dan and his family, as they go through their loss. Moreover, those looking for reliable information concerning world events; the material he puts out and his analysis; is reliable.

Those that follow this channel, are aware that there aren't many individuals or organizations that I endorse. When it comes to Dan Bongino; his is one of the few I would highly recommend. Dan has served as law enforcement, for the biggest city in America: New York City (NYC).

He furthered his career, by serving the bureaucratic administration; as a Secret Service agent. Unlike most people who cover politics, they do not have the background to accurately share reliable information. Their lack of understanding the system is obvious, to those that have been part of it.

That's why many who talk about politics; they have no clue as to what they are talking about and are usually considered paranoid. Moreover, for those people who are on the outside looking in; they have no idea what they are witnessing and what's worse; they will misdirect people with examining immaterial data.

There are some aspects to what Dan goes into; that's beyond his job experience but more than likely; this is a result of developing connections via his life work; writing books, being a contributor as a Fox news guest and the eventual solo broadcasts that he does.

God has clearly directed Dan's steps to be where he is at now; doing what he's doing. His broadcasts focuses in on American geopolitical activities. Unfortunately, that puts limits to his material and hinders it from being the best source for general news, including that centered around situations relevant to Christians.

Though Dan's broadcasts aren't equal to a news station; for all those that are Americans or care for America and Christians in the same categories; it's essential to follow someone like Dan Bongino. An individual who has the background but more indispensable, a man that follows God.

The ungodly take over of the culture didn't happen over night, it took generations. To make right, what's currently wrong; is to first know what's going on and pay attention to what is critical and not the distractions that are put out by those working against traditional values. Listening to political events may not be "entertaining" but responsibilities doesn't require it to be fun.

At the same time, it's necessary to be smart about how one incorporates broadcasts, so that an individual can maximize their time. Other than those with attention deficit disorder (ADD) or have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); it's best to engage in other activities, while simply listening to the broadcasts.

Those willing to go the extra mile; leaving a comment in the comments section and sharing broadcasts with family and friends; helps to bring awareness to both the issue being covered but also the broadcast itself. Which, in doing so, helps with gaining a larger audience.

Leaving a message in the comments sections, doesn't have to be long, complicated or time consuming. The easiest thing to do, use an emoji that fits the broadcast, such as: 😔, 😕, 🤔, 🥰, 👍, 💯 and if that just seems too childish, simply say to the effect: "great job!" or "good to know."

To catch Dan Bongino's material, the link below provides access to his broadcasts:

For all those that aren't signed up to Rumble, the next link is to his referrals benefits package. That is a great means of support to Dan. Rumble has a sign up referral program; where those that sign up under someone; they'll get money.

If the referral section is blank, please copy and paste:


The other thing to consider, anyone that's up for the challenge; keep Dan Bongino in your prayers, on a daily basis. With all the wickedness that goes on in the world; with what he does; it puts him on that spot of being targeted.

Dan is married. Any time he mentions Paula, that's his wife; not staff on his broadcast team. Has two children, all of which could use prayers of protection. Praying that God would protect him from any deception, in the world of politics and that he would always cover what is relevant.

Praying that God would also bless his broadcast, its success and growth...all of it wouldn't just be good for him but for everyone. America needs more people like him, to shine the light as to what's going on but also praying in said manner, glorifies God in the process.

Anyone that gets blessed from this channel and would like to be a blessing; the best way to do so, is by praying. Receiving any prayers lifted up for this channel, is without question; the best gift one can receive.

With the administration that champions the Woke movement; I'm not going to give out my name but you can always ask that God would bless "the person who operates the channel, Blue Enigma zero-one." God will know who you're talking about.

Thank you for your consideration!

Post Scriptum: In the "Supplemental Material" section (which is right under the date that a video was posted; the number of views; as well as tags given); it's always good to check it out, at least when it comes to this channel. There's usually tons of added information and resources. Those wondering why so wordy? People give it so many different names, that people sometimes won't find the part that's recommended.

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