Earn Grades 9-12 Online _ Intermediate Home Schooling _ گھر بیٹھے انٹرمیڈیٹ کریں _(720P_HD)

11 months ago

Earn Grades 9-12 Online | Intermediate Home Schooling | گھر بیٹھے انٹرمیڈیٹ کریں |
Dr. Zeeshan Usmani enlightens viewers about the possibilities of pursuing intermediate level education without attending a traditional school or college. He introduces global equivalency exams like GED, TASC, HiSet, and the challenging GaoKao. Completing any of these exams can help one earn a globally recognized high school equivalency diploma. In this video, he breaks down the educational system, the hours we actually spend learning, and the core subjects essential for holistic education. Furthermore, he shares valuable resources and tips to prepare for these exams and provides links for further study. If you or someone you know has discontinued their education for any reason, this video offers a beacon of hope. Don't miss out!
Dr. Zeeshan Usmani provides a comprehensive guide on how to complete intermediate or high school education without being part of a traditional educational institution. He introduces exams such as GED, TASC, and HiSet, which, upon completion, provide globally recognized high school equivalency diplomas. Using the example of the GED, Dr. Usmani goes into detail about the subjects tested, fees, study materials, and benefits of obtaining this qualification. He emphasizes the value and potential savings in time and money that these opportunities offer, giving hope to those who, for various reasons, couldn't complete their traditional education.
Website URL links:
GED - https://ged.com/
TASC - https://tasctest.com/
HiSet - https://hiset.ets.org/
GaoKao - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nationa...
GaoKao Practice Test - https://www.businessinsider.com/sampl...
Core Knowledge - https://www.coreknowledge.org/
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Zeeshanusmani,zeeshan,usmani,@zusmani78,Zeeshan Usmani,zusmani78,GED,TASC,HiSet,GaoKao,Core Knowledge,Distance Education,Online Education,Home Study,College Dropout,School Dropout,Earn Grades 9-12 Online,Intermediate Home Schooling,گھر بیٹھے انٹرمیڈیٹ کریں,home school,home schooling,online school,virtual school,remote school,Online High School,Home Education,Remote Learning,Digital Schooling,Secondary Education,Virtual Learning,Accredited Online School (Admin)

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