PRAYER TO PACHAMAMA Prayer at 7 directions

11 months ago

Prayer at 7 directions

From the East House of Light
May wisdom open in dawn upon us.
So that we see things clearly.

From the North House of Night
May wisdom mature in us.
So that we know everything from the inside.

From the West House of Transformation
May wisdom be transformed into right action.
So that we can do what needs to be done.

From the South House of the Eternal Sun
May the right action give us the harvest
So that we may enjoy the fruits of planetary being.

From the Superior House of Paradise
Where the people of the stars and ancestors gather
May his blessings come to us now.

From the Lower House of the Earth
Let the heartbeat crystal of the planet.
Bless us with your harmonies so that we may end the war.

From the Central Source of the Galaxy
That it is everywhere at the same time,
May everything be recognized as the light of mutual love.
For the noblest ends of our humanity in perfection
May infinite light be the infinite beacon of our truth.
That it is the truth of the father...

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