Raising Awareness for Abuse thats silent

3 months ago

Abuse can be silent but far more deadly.☠️
Before reading up on NPD I never knew abuse could be silent. But ,upon meeting a family who pride themselves about their immaculate reputation and kindness I grew suspicious.

For one ,because I didn’t know any families who never argued or avoided voicing a difference in opinions at all. This was a dynamic that jolted me awake. Someone who never disagrees about anything sounds superficial in too many ways and is just not healthy.

They didn’t need to say anything to express their contentions or disapproval. A simple roll of the eyes, a scoff a mocking smirk or outright laughter at someone else’s expense gave it away.
As time passed their hatred for anyone outside their circle became more obvious.

Underhanded comments about this or that quote person who was just plain dumb in their eyes for their beliefs.
Giving specific people the silent treatment by stonewalling or withholding affections from their children as punishment for disobedience.

Especially if their authority was ever being questioned . Finding humor if so and so would just trip and fall kind of mentality. It was plain mean spirited to watch and observe.

They didn’t directly hide their disdain but they always did it with a smile on their face and exclusions with uttermost kindness.

After understanding that abuse wears many different faces I’m finally able to catch myself avoiding making the same mistakes. And as a nice song sent by a dear friend expresses it best” They are just not my kind”

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