St. Patrick: A Sermon to Single People

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Sermon by Matt Trewhella

Listen to the devotion of Patrick – “I came to the Irish tribes to preach the Gospel and to endure insults from unbelievers, that I should hear abuse for being a foreigner, that I should endure many persecutions even unto imprisonment, and that I should give up my liberty for the benefit of others, and, if I were worthy, I am ready even to expend my life for His Name, and I desire to spend it even unto death, because I am a debtor to God, who gave me so much grace.”

It was said of his followers – “They were wholly indifferent to bodily comfort or to worldly advancement. They traversed the country on foot, and endured without flinching privations and dangers of every kind for the one object of their lives – to spread the gospel and civilization to their rude countrymen.” Would to God it could be said of us!!! Would to God it could be said of you!!

Three Exhortations from Church History sermon:

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