The HOLY GRAIL, what is The Grail?! & The Mervovingian Baby.

11 months ago

As always I may or may NOT agree with some of the content herein. So many tales yet ONLY ONE TRUTH!😇
Is this The Truth...?👇
Just a little insight on how corrupted information can become!
Oh how those masonic & secret societies wannabees corrupt and use Holy Artefacts and Symbols to their final detriment, for such is the way when THE HOLY GOD of all creation knows of thy evil ill will & intent for Power & Glory that can NEVER BE for evils' sake!
Those whom abuse energy & Sacred Laws using Dark Forces as Witches/Warlocks & the like, are NOT innocent especially those that conjure EVIL THINGS FOR TOTALLY SELFISH REASONS ... but those so called Witch hunts of the past were NOT just WITCH HUNTS it was a WOMAN HUNT!
Mary Magdalene was NO WHORE, she was the Daughter of A Merovingian King! Joseph of Aramathea was an Uncle of Jesus Christ. Comments anyone? Please do...!
Before any viewer gets it twisted about Serpents they are both good & bad as in most things, even The Healing Cadeuces Staff of Raphael Heralds two intertwined Serpents...the rest you must research with your own discernment for one can lead a Horse to Water yet NOT make it Drink. 🐴
Dig Deeper!😇

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