9 months ago

"The Midnight Studio"! Dive into the captivating world of this South Korean television series, known as "야한 사진관" in Korean. Follow the intriguing tale of a solitary photographer who captures haunting images of the departed. With stellar performances by Joo Won, Kwon Nara, Yoo In-soo, and Eum Moon-suk, this series brings to life the essence of loneliness, artistry, and the macabre.

Crafted from the screenwriter's own novel, "The Midnight Studio" promises a unique and immersive viewing experience. Genie TV proudly presents this original drama, inviting audiences to unravel its mysteries and delve into the depths of the human psyche.

Embark on this unforgettable journey through the lens of the protagonist as he navigates the eerie landscapes of life and death. With each episode available for streaming on Genie TV's platform and Viki in select regions, viewers worldwide can immerse themselves in the chilling allure of "The Midnight Studio."

Mark your calendars for its premiere on ENA on March 11, 2024, and catch new episodes every Monday and Tuesday at 22:00. Don't miss out on the opportunity to explore the enigmatic world of "The Midnight Studio" as it unveils secrets, emotions, and the beauty found in the darkest corners of existence.

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