"Hilarious Entrepreneur Kitty"

6 years ago

"Cats like to play with many things. Some of their favorite toys are yarn balls, toilet paper rolls, mouse toys, cardboard boxes… But this cat has only one desire - to play with money! Yup, this is one entrepreneur kitty! Money, money, money must be funny in the kitty’s world! nYou must agree that this kitty has a very unusual toy, however, that’s not the weirdest cat toy we came across. The Internet is full of crazy stuff for kitties. Believe it or not, there are dozens of devices for indoor exercises for cats. This includes the cat wheel, like the one for hamsters. You can also purchase Catnip Bubbles. These bubbles are made from catnip oil and are sure to drive kittens crazy. Now, that’s a sight! Also, you can buy a mouse-shaped cat cave. Yup, someone thought of that. So this kitty which loves money isn’t the weirdest one out there. She just has an entrepreneurial spirit!"

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