RELAX - Lazy Day Listening to the Rain #meditation #nature #wind #relaxation #sound #rain #tinroof

11 months ago

#gatewaytapes #hemisync #astralplanes #astralsurf #outofbodyexperience #deepmeditation #meditation #relaxation #whitenoise #soundhealing #resonanttuning #rain #tinroof

It's been a minute since I've uploaded. I've been super busy with launching my jewelry brand (see below) and dealing with an ongoing family thing. This is why I miss making videos that helps me with my meditation.

I decided to make this one given how much rain of late (what's new right?) and how it brought me back to my childhood that I often forgot back in the old country where a lot of the roofs are made of tin. I remember as a toddler just lying around or on my mother's lap and just dozing off listening to it. Now as an adult, I realized that what had experienced IS nirvana!

I hope you all can experience this or a small part of it with me again.

1 - Focus on hearing drops of rain and or the soft piano notes played purposely softer than the ambient sound. Think of the power of listening like a photography lens--zoom in on the background or foreground? The choice is yours and on each playthrough, try alternating between the two. And don't forget to...(see below)
2. Breathe in new energy through the nose / exhale stale energy through the mouth and hum if so desired


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