NT Framework 40: LEAVES

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SBC Family,

Tomorrow I'm going to go through five counterpoints to Arminianism and Calvinism. Originally, I didn't know what any of these five points were. Then I studied and became a 4-point Calvinist (TU IP). That's how I was trained in the seminary under mostly Dallas Theological Seminary professors, though some were 5-point Calvinists. After seminary I spent time in this topic for a number of years discussing with others and debating within myself. Clarity started to come as I was working verse-by-verse in the original languages of the Gospels, Acts, and Epistles. Word studies and contextual indicators led me to a number of different ideas than the status quo. Some good books along the way were C. Gordon Olson, Beyond Calvinism and Arminiansm: A Mediate Theology of Salvation, Samuel Fisk, Calvinistic Paths Retraced, Samuel Fisk, Election & Predestination, but there were others that I read, usually of the Calvinist persuasion such as John Frame, The Doctrine of God, William G T Shedd Dogmatic Theology, Enns, Ryrie, Berkhof, Van Til, Kuyper, Bahnsen, Thiessen (mediate position), Barrett (Arminian), many others. Mostly what helped was the original language studies especially Greek words like election, predestination, foreknowledge. These are all really detailed studies. Then it was just time to keep exegeting and thinking and looking at the patterns in Scripture and the narratives as illustrations of the outworking of these ideas. I hope tomorrow is a blessing and accurate portrayal of God's Word's in it's internal harmony that brings glory to Him.

See the attachment. It's different from last week because I added some more details and aside discussions in the endnotes for those who like to 'geek out'.

Grace to you,



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