6 months ago

CHINA OWNS US!! we have sold oil from our reserves to them; they are buying up our farm land leaving it fallow; own our meat distribution and major butcher industries; they control our pharmaceuticals; sending spy balloons unchallenged; setting up spy stations in US and Cuba; police stations in major cities unchallenged and a majority of our congress vested in Chinese industries; control our children's social media; building military islands in the South China Sea. They will never allow the algorithm that tells the site what to show and what not to show our children and some communist "followers" and if they decide to retaliate all they have to do is dump a couple trillion in our Treasury Notes on the world market (our debt by law is in US Dollars) to cause chaos in the world monetary arbitrage market. No wonder because we have a "Manchurian candidate" in the Oval office. If you aren't praying by now you must be brain dead like our leadership. PRAY!!!

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