Unclaimed bodies are stacking up and mortuaries are running out of space.

11 months ago

The combination punch of a worsening economy and the effects of the Covid shot among other things. People can't even afford to cremate or bury their loved ones. This is happening across the country not just in Washington State.

Notice how they try to lay off in increase in dead bodies on Fentanyl and never mention the real culprit, the Covid shot. This is a great example of how they screw with peoples minds on a daily basis. The people that can handle watching TV like me don't watch it because of the bullshit just like this, those that do get the bullshit planted in their minds because they cannot see it being done in real time and harms them. They run around voting, sending their kids to public school and watching pro sports and thinking they are awake.

Mirrored from / Original Video Source: Jim Crenshaw - https://www.bitchute.com/video/l83bbdmf96u5/

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