Why the kings of fake news, the NYT, BBC & others so successful

2 months ago

Video: Why the kings of fake news, the NYT, BBC & others so successful. When they created fake news, if no one complains will let it stand and spread like wildfire. If someone complains or file lawsuits will issue a tiny apology or retraction notice. But 10s of millions already read the fake news and quoted by medias around the world, the fake news sets in the minds of millions, very few notice the tiny retraction notice. More importantly, the newspaper is in the schools, libraries and homes around the world continued reading the fake news for months and years. 視頻: 為什麼假新聞之王、《紐約時報》、英國廣播公司和其他媒體如此成功。當他們製造假新聞時,如果沒有人抱怨,就會讓它像野火一樣蔓延。如果有人投訴或提起訴訟,就會發出一個小小的道歉通知。但全世界已經有數千萬人閱讀並引用了假新聞,假新聞已經留在在數千萬人的腦海中,很少有人注意到那條小小的撤回通知。 更重要的是,世界各地的學校、圖書館和家庭都繼續閱讀報紙上的假新聞. 哎呀唔好意思搞錯咗! 可以供全港中、小學訂閱為讀報課報章《明報》,已多次被官員指責報道失實,看來要有更高懲處才能收阻嚇之效,譬如不再允許賣進學校.

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