Rent your own SEAL, fire a CO or get bent.

11 months ago

I’m Papa Penguin and this is your Military Minute.

Jeff Bezos just gave Admiral McRaven $50 million for charity that’s sure to go exclusively to the SOF community. I wonder if he’s going to make a condolence payment to SSGT Melgar’s family?

Meanwhile the conventional forces who constituted the bulk of the folks who fought in America’s longest war for more than 3 months at a stretch get the privilege of raw dogging life after without book deals, speaking gigs, or reliable medical care. But for $149,000 you can have your own quiet professional come speak about the importance of making your bed.

The Marine Corps and Navy have been on a firing spree.

The Navy is up to its 3rd skipper shit canned in 7 months and the Marine Corps is close behind with 2.

Which reminds me, someday I’ll have to tell you guys about the time all the E5s and below in our battalion had a riot on Camp Hansen.

What do our Afghani allies and veterans have in common? We are both fucked over by the America’s elected officals.

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