Pro-Life Education Needed

4 months ago

Will the 2024 Presidential election be won or lost over the pro-life issue? Will the pro-life gains of the Roe versus Wade decision be squandered at the polls, this November?

In reporting the results of a Decision Desk HQ exit poll following the Super Tuesday balloting, Newsmax revealed the number one issue on the minds of today’s Democrat voters is abortion, garnering 27 percent, with the economy ranking two points behind at 25 percent. Attention on abortion became the laser-like focus of the Left after the Supreme Court overturned its longstanding Roe versus Wade opinion, last year, allowing each state to determine its own rules governing the issue.

This shows that liberal voters planning to turn out in November for Joe Biden, or whoever may replace him in the meantime, will be motivated in large part by their desire to continue destroying precious human lives. This hellbent fixation can only lead to the further deterioration of our nation.

Meanwhile, the pro-life issue placed only third among Republican voters in the same Decision Desk HQ exit poll, rating a shockingly low 8 percent. Protecting human life lagged well behind both immigration and the economy among sampled GOP voters. The same Supreme Court decision which angered and empowered liberals may well have put many conservative voters to sleep.

To maximize support for the presumptive Republican nominee, every pro-life voter must be educated… informed that the battle for the lives of unborn children is FAR from over. The battleground has merely shifted back to the local level, and moral, godly men and women must be elected to state legislatures to ensure victories under every capitol dome.

Unless pro-life voters rally this November and support pro-life candidates for every office in statewide AND federal races, the battle for the lives of America’s unborn may yet be lost.

If we care about what matters most to our Creator, we cannot let that happen. Please tell other pro-life supporters to get out and vote for pro-life candidates in every contested race, this November.

This message is close to the heart of Reverend James Harden, a dedicated pro-life advocate and leader of CompassCare, Western New York’s trusted source for reproductive healthcare for over 35 years. To learn more about the many compassionate services offered to every mother and baby visiting our office visit online at

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