Religious cults of evil

3 months ago

This is very graphic.
Viewer beware.
These people DO NOT worship a God of love, hope and selflessness.
The Khazarian fake Jews.
There are some very strange Christian practices.
Then there are the Satanist cannibalis.
I did not add Muslims in this. Some of them are murderous and evil. Yet some are very kind and loving. It’s like they may also have 2 books as the Jewish people do. Or some just translate there book different.
I don’t comprehend enough about there religion to know. But I refuse to condemn inocente people. For the vile acts of others.
Which brings up the point. Other than Satanists. It’s hard to know what type of religion someone follows. Unless they tell you the follow the Talmud or the Satan’s Bible. God is not to be used for lies, evil, greed or cannibalism. No false idols. God should bring us all together. To help our fellow man. To do no harm and be the caretakers of the earth. God is inside us.
Well,,,, most of us. As you will see in this video.
So If you’ve seen Trump get the Jerusalem peace prize. It’s because he respects the good people. You will see here. He has no tolerance for the Khazarian’s.
Pray. Pray to the one true God.

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