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Ross, You must be confused. I did not ask for a "Delegation Request", the MAYOR did!
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Good afternoon Darcy,
Thanks for providing your delegation form (attached) earlier this week. In reviewing the document (as well as the information package provided earlier to all members of Council), I wanted to confirm the desired resolution you are seeking. If I understand the request correctly, you are hoping to provide guidance to Council on the legitimacy (or lack there-of) of Council’s jurisdiction. If that understanding is correct, I can confirm that local governments in BC are creations of the Province, and if there is concern about validity of jurisdiction, that concern is best directed to the Provincial Government, as it is outside of the authority of Council to change. Our Procedure Bylaw guides our delegation process and matters that fall outside of the scope of Council’s authority are typically not permitted. If I am off-base on the purpose and desired outcome of the delegation, please let me know and I can review further (I will be out of the office for a week or so, but can review upon my return). I can also confirm that even if the delegation is in-scope, we cannot extend the time past 10 minutes as you requested (though additional time can be provided at the meeting by the Mayor for Council to ask the delegation questions).
RevisedLARGE - Copy
Ross Coupé
Corporate Officer
250.392.1773 | kisspng-computer-icons-fax-encapsulated-postscript-clip-ar-fax-icon-5ae0e4186c9a48 250.392.4408
City of Williams Lake
450 Mart Street, Williams Lake, BC V2G 1N3
I am grateful to work on the traditional territory of the T’exelcemc people of the Secwepemc Nation.
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Good evening Ross,
You must be confused. I did not ask for a "Delegation Request", the MAYOR did! It was the mayor who told you to schedule a meeting with the council and to be sure of unlimited time for this important issue, and to be made public. I have no desired resolution, that is up to the men and women who were voted into a "Public Office", NOT a Public/Private/Partnership with United Nations foreign influence on local matters.
If you did read the package, with complete truthful evidence therein, then you are well aware of the situation the City mayor and councillors find themselves in. They are in an un-lawful, de-facto, and ultra-vires situation, (operating under the color of law) without the lawful or legal jurisdiction to taxation et al without contracts from the people, giving consent to contract with the corporations of BC, Canada, City of Williams Lake, Cariboo Regional District, and the corporation of the United Nations amongst others. Going to the province of BC Inc is pointless since they too are "acting" as a legal government when in fact they're just another corporation in the same unlawful jurisdiction as the city is. Contract makes the law and consent makes the contract. The burden of proof falls upon the claimant. The City is claiming to have jurisdiction.
In this case the City of Williams Lake is asking for taxes et al without contract or consent to contract. I see that CAO Gary Muraca Cc (unelected and 2nd in command, if not 1st) is well aware of the situation, as are all the other unelected CAO's in the corporations of Canada Inc. et al.
The point of the matter is that the corporation known as the City of Williams Lake CAN NOT collect tax, enforce Acts, Statutes, By-laws et al without contract. Gary Muraca, the CFO, and the city lawyer know this too. So do I. This is my community, my family and others built this community and in law; "He who creates owns." There's enough fraud going around at every level.
Adhesion Contracts are not contracts, tacit contracts made without disclosure, amongst other things are fraud, conversion, and extortion. I need not add more, although I most likely could. Government Service Corporations doing business as Government of Canada and/or the government of British Columbia et al can only create rules (statutes) that only apply to their employees, franchisees, officers, and dependants. Their rules do not apply to the people in general. That is why the rules they create (statutes) are referred to as "Public Policy." All Acts, Bills, and Statutes created by any level of government corporations only apply to "person."
Black's Law Dictionary 5th Edition, page 1028 states: In general usage, a human being (i.e. natural person) though by statute term may include a firm, labor organization, partnership, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, or receivers. Maxim: Include, The inclusion of one is the exclusion of the another. Thus, it does not apply to men and women, to whom this trespass is occurring. Maybe you'd best take this up with a lawyer, they're well aware we're operating under Maritime Law, the law of commerce, which requires contracts. (Praetextu legis injusta agens duplo puniendus)
As I told the Mayor, it's his neighbors and friends who voted for what we comprehended was a public, de-jure, and lawful office, to serve the local men and women. Is CAO Muraca's signature on all the documents that our local men and women in office are responsible for with theirs? Their Oath of Office, if I recall correctly, states; "I will be accountable for the decisions that I make, and the actions that I take, in the course of my duties." They swear this Oath to the Corporation of British Columbia and Canada as noted on the top left side, an NGO. (non-governmental office) Where is the CAO Oath of Office? Yet he seems to wield great power in Williams Lake as they do elsewhere. Interesting.
Needless to say, fraud, extortion, and numerous other crimes are being committed against the good men and women of my area. The future will tell how the people will respond when they know of these crimes, especially the one in which the United Nations, through their WHO/ World Health Organization committed great harms, death, and the sterilization of their children. There's no anger than that of a parent so grieved. Personally, I wouldn't want to have to explain that one. And it fell upon Williams Lake with the stroke of a mayor's pen. There's no statute of limitation on fraud.
Simply Ross, I care. I care about my Village. I grew up here and I see a storm a coming. How we deal with that depends on the honesty and courage of all. If you can't give me what our mayor asked for then We the People already have our answer. De-facto, unlawful, ultra-vires, and with Foreign influence. Not looking good for the good men and women we voted in. May god have mercy upon their souls, they're going to need it.
In all sincerity, without any malice, and always with love and respect in my heart,
Darcy Martens, woman
All rights reserved.
To: <>; Angie Delainey <>; <>; <>
Subject: Fw: Delegation Request
To the Enclosed. Specifically, Mayor Rathor.
(Any definitions on words, and noted herein, come from Black's Law 6th Edition, pages for easy reference)
This e-mail with the enclosed responses is being sent to you because you've been Cc'd or have been given this information three times already, most recently in the documented proof sent and received on the 20th of February. I received confirmation of such in February. The fact that it was or wasn't read is not my problem, it's yours. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Ross Coupe in his e-mail to me confirmed what I discussed with the Mayor on March 11th at City Hall. "Council's jurisdiction," and "I can confirm that local governments in BC are creations of the Province." Black's Law page 366: Create, To bring into being; to cause to exist; to produce; as, to create a trust, to create a corporation.
The proof of contract law with corporations, now proven through Ross, has been presented with the Clearfield Doctrine, and in paragraphs 4-5 in my response. Contracts make the law; consent makes the contract. The burden of proof falls upon the claimant.
Other legal terms necessary to comprehend regarding this situation are:
Pages 265-266, Color of Law, The appearance or semblance, without the substance, of legal right. Misuse of power, possessed by virtue of state law and made possible only because wrongdoer is clothed with authority of state, is action taken under "color of state law." inter alia
Page 416, De facto, or a state of affairs which must be accepted for all practical purposes, but is illegal or illegitimate. Thus, an officer, King, or government de facto is one who is in actual possession of the office or supreme power, but by usurpation, or without lawful title, inter alia
Page 1545, Usurpation of franchise or office, The unjustly intruding upon or exercising any office, franchise, or liberty belonging to another.
( He who creates owns, the men and women of Williams Lake built the village through their work and taxation, therefore, it is the men and women who OWN and thus, are the ones being trespassed upon, having every right to a de jure lawful office of the Mayor, Councilor, or Director)
Black's Law Dictionary 11th Edition, page 537, De jure, as a matter of law, existing by right or according to law. (LAW; Land Air Water, "water" refers to Maritime Law, the law of commerce, the law of contracts.)
Page 1522, Ultra vires, An act performed without any authority to act on subject. By doctrine of ultra vires, a contract made by a corporation beyond the scope of its corporate powers is unlawful. ( Where is the disclosure? See: paragraphs 4-5 in my response, also The10 Points of Contract Law) et al
Pages 660-663, Fraud, An intentional perversion of truth for the purpose of inducing another in reliance upon it to part with some valuable thing belonging to him or to surrender a legal right. inter alia (This began when we, and our sons and daughters were "born", through the fraud of the Bond Birth Certificate, creating the slaves we are today, and so on, and so on.)
Page 585, Extortion, The obtaining of property from another induced by wrongful use of actual or threatened force, violence, or fear, or under color of official right. inter alia
Page 332, Conversion, An unauthorized assumption and exercise of right of ownership over goods or personal chattels belonging to another, to the alteration of their condition or the exclusion of the owner's rights. inter alia (Note here, all the foreclosures of property due to taxation fraud, not good on behalf of the corporation of Williams Lake, having done so under all the definitions above.)
Page 1523, Unalienable Right, Inalienable; incapable of being aliened, that is, sold or transferred. Rights which can never be abridged because they are so fundamental.
Page 572, Exercised Dominion, Open acts and conduct relative to land as evidence of claim of right of absolute possession, use, and ownership.
"All Rights Reserved" Look that up for yourself.
As I stated to the mayor on March 11th, and within the packages to all councillors, CAO Muraca, and the board of the Cariboo Regional District and their CAO; What jurisdiction are you in as a corporation that allows you legal means to taxation, by-laws etcetera, without Consent to Contract? You are all in serious trouble as are those before you operating under the color of law. The men and women in Williams Lake have the Unalienable Right to lawful governance. ( Authorized by, and accountable to, We the People) Mayor Walt Cobb was in office when the WHO/ World Health Organization overstepped their authority as a Foreign Corporation and mandated needles in the arms of the people, without consent!
It doesn't matter what CEO Brian Mulroney signed at the Rio Summit in 1992, because that fell upon the corporation and its employees, against their will too. Where in their employment contracts did they agree to give up their bodily autonomy when accepting employment? This too is coming your way and to the other officers and officials in the municipalities worldwide, who by their signatures allowed this treason? Page 1501, Treason, consists of two elements: adherence to the enemy, and rendering him aid and comfort.
It was my desire to enlighten my neighbours and friends, who sought and gained office within our geographical area. Knowledge is power and he who has it, wields it with either justice or deception. Operating in ultra vires can be remedied. The conversation must be had though. Swearing Oaths without "Certainty of Meaning and Full Disclosure" (10 Points of Contract Law) affects you too, when done in deception, fraud, and others.
Suffice it to say, I know you know. Others know too, worldwide. Free will is a right we all possess. Use your wisely and with discernment.
Respectfully then and respectfully now,
Darcy Martens
All rights reserved.
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