Kitten Climbs Screen Door And Squeezes Through To Get Inside

6 years ago

Cats love to climb and seem to take special enjoyment in climbing doors, especially screen doors. It is almost like they cannot help themselves when it comes to doors.

I thought this kitten was going to bust through the door when came running up…

The little white kitten is outside at the start of the video and takes a quick running start to fling himself at a screen door. As mentioned above, we totally thought he was going to just come running up and bust through the screen door. We have seen a lot of videos of animals not stopping when they come to door and ripping through the screen as though it was not there. Instead, it turns out we are dealing with spider cat. He gets his claws set and starts climbing up the door until he reaches the top of the door. I was not certain what this cat's plan was other than to just hang out on the door. However, this cat knows that that screen door is a bit more open than it looks.

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