Jason Hayes here to tell us how lots of what you hear about environmental matters simply isn't true

3 months ago

Jason Hayes from the Mackinac Center for Public Policy joined us for Episode 63 to talk about how so much of what we hear about the environment and energy just ain’t so, and how the false narratives are driving some really bad decisions, especially for manufacturers.

He’s an outdoorsman and a former backcountry ranger and forester. He has multiple degrees in environmental science and has specialized in energy production. Now he’s the Director of Energy and Environmental Policy with the Mackinac Center. He joined us to talk about why having access to “abundant, affordable, reliable sources of energy” is critical for our society’s well-being–and is also critical to maintaining our high levels of environmental quality too.

A key point: those trying to sell us on wind and solar aren’t admitting to manufacturers who currently run 24 hours a day, seven days a week, that now they’ll have to adjust to making products “when the weather allows.”
He highlights one of the subjects we’ve been hammering, that of Germany and its destructive Energiewende environmental policy that has seen the country shutter all its nuclear facilities and build out enormous amounts of renewable generating capacity, and now has skyrocketing energy prices and ongoing de-industrialization.

He also covers the policies here in our shared home state of Michigan, which have us on a similar path to Germany’s.

Oh, and he points out that recycling isn’t all it’s cracked up to be either.
And finally, he gives us the real lowdown on the causes of wildfires. Hint: it’s not a “climate crisis.”

Tune in for a rousing counter-narrative discussion!

And do check out the Mackinac Center’s superb work at the first link below, and Jason’s page there at the second one.


Note: the "context" added by YouTube to this video is false: https://www.ssb.no/en/natur-og-miljo/forurensning-og-klima/artikler/to-what-extent-are-temperature-levels-changing-due-to-greenhouse-gas-emissions/_/attachment/inline/5a3f4a9b-3bc3-4988-9579-9fea82944264:f63064594b9225f9d7dc458b0b70a646baec3339/DP1007.pdf

This episode aired originally on YouTube on October 3, 2023.

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