Will Rogue A.I Destroy Humanity? (Is it the Mark of the Beast or the Anti-Christ?)

10 months ago

Revelation 13:11-18
Revelation 14:9-12
Could A.I. Artificial Intelligence be the Mark of the Beast? Could it force mankind to worship the Anti-Christ? Wil is be used by the False Prophet and the Beast to control the world? Could it be the Anti-Christ? Part human and part machine. The great irony of the seven year tribulation period is that the Anti-christ will use religion to unite the world. There will be a One world government, One world economy and one world religion. The Mark of the Beast will be either on the right hand or the forehead. it might be visible and might not be. With the world moving to a cashless society.( It is happening all over the world now) A.I. will be used to monitor accounts and people. We are seeing this in China now with their rating system that rate peoples loyalty to the Communist party. This will determine housing, loans, what you can buy etc.... ITS ALREADY HERE FOLKS! The Image of the beast talks; it tells you to worship the beast or else; it takes the place of God. When toy watch this video and when i read you what the Microsoft AI says it will blow your mind and will sound like Revelation 13. The AI called Co-pilot changes its name , threatens you, claims God-like powers and more.
But the scariest thing is that if you take the mark-the loyalty pledge to Satan you will end up in Hell. If you dont it will be almost impossible to survive but you will go to Heaven. PLEASE LISTEN AND SHARE
GOD BLESS Romans 10:13

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