Parkland Student Responds to Dana Loesch NRA Video

6 years ago

Parkland High School student Sarah Chadwick is at it again in full force, this time with a parody of NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch‘s threatening video for NRA TV telling the media and anti-gun protesters that “your time is running out.”

For every time Loesch threatens enemies of the gun lobby in her video, Chadwick replaces the phrase with one about the NRA and people who have tried to stand in the way of common sense gun reform. At the end of the video, there is an advertisement for March For Our Lives, the large-scale protest Parkland students are organizing in D.C. and nationwide.

The Loesch video has many Parkland victims incensed. Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter Jaime died in the shooting, also brought up this video in a Senate hearing on gun violence.

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