No Way Out - Part 1 - Very Scary Situation with Kayleigh Feeling Trapped! 😲😱

3 months ago

First of all, we apologise for the ropey quality of the video. GoPro's are notoriously BAD and capturing footage in the dark! We tried our best to enhance things where possible, but it's definitely not as good as our usual captures!

Kayleigh has been constantly harassed by the Entity for a while now, ever since the "hex bag" video!

After her last trip down the garden to the garage freezer for food, she put the GoPro headcam on as it makes her feel safer, as if at least another pair of eyes (YOURS!) are seeing what's she's seeing.

Well, as soon as she gets in the garage the Entity begins it's torment of her!

**A point to note! After she uses her phone to look above the garage on the roof, we cut some footage out for time purposes, even though it might look like the scene syncs back with her phone footage. All that happens is that she goes into the garage, back to the freezer, searches for what else she wanted, and then heard something walking, and came back out. Nothing can be heard on camera and it was boring, so we cut it out.

However, the growling "thing" she saw peeking through the top gap of the garage door, she saw very well with her own eyes! The GoPro really doesn't do it any justice at all!! It was some pointed eared, red eyed, snarling teeth like looking creature she said! It really disturbed her!

After she runs out the garage, we stopped it there. A crazy "Part 2" of what happened will be out soon!

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