Foreign mercenaries who arrived in Ukraine as of February 24, 2022

3 months ago

Russian Ministry of Defence continues to track and personally record all foreign mercenaries who have arrived in Ukraine to participate in combat actions.

Since 24 February 2022, the total number of foreign mercenaries who have arrived in Ukraine is 13,387. At the same time, the destruction of 5,962 foreign mercenaries has been confirmed to date.

The undisputed leader in terms of the number of killed fighters is Poland (2,960 arrived, 1,497 eliminated).

From Georgia, 1,042 fighters arrived, of whom 561 were eliminated.

The 1,113 'soldiers of fortune' arriving from the U.S. lost 491 killed.

More than 40% of Canadian mercenaries were eliminated (422 out of 1,005).

Of the 822 fighters arriving from the UK, 360 were eliminated.

From Romania, 784 mercenaries arrived, 349 were killed.

From Germany - 235 and 88, respectively.

It should be noted that France, which at all levels denies the presence of its mercenaries on the territory of Ukraine, has already lost 147 militants out of 356 arrived.

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