You Are Stronger Than You Know (Audio)

5 months ago

Downloaded from - The Storm is Upon Us

"Only the chosen ones are awake to what is actually going on here on Planet Earth.

Those of us who came into this world with knowledge that over 99% of the planet did not have are the chosen souls that came in here to hold the light amongst the darkness in order to pull planet earth out of this low vibrational material realm that we sunk into due to our desire for the material things and ultimately putting God the creator on the back burner!!

Manu of us have walked a very Lonely path in this world being labeled as crazy lunatics or just plain nutters… some of us have literally been shunned by family and friends due to us walking in our authentic truth. See they can’t handle the truth and that’s part of the problem!! People are scared shitless all of this is really happening and they don’t know where they fit into this big equation!! So that’s where we come in you truly do have a massive task coming up!! you truly are one of the chosen that came to assist humanity during his grand divine event where we make a shift collective moving us towards a space bearing galactic society.

This battle has been going on for hundreds of thousands of years!! You are part of the ground crew that came in to finally pull humanity out of the dark and into the light!!"


WWG1WGA 💞🌹🕊🌍💫

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