"A Boy Throws Dog Food in The Air and Pretends It's Snow"

6 years ago

"Is there anything more fascinating than a child's imagination and its power to transform any situation into an adventure?! But, at the same time that can be pretty challenging for some parents, especially when a kid makes a mess just because it's fun! If you're not sure what we mean, check out this video! It's a perfect example how much chaos a child can make when playing. This cute little boy finds a bag of dog food and spills if all over the floor, like it was snow, and then starts to throw it in the air like snowflakes and squeals excitedly! He is so happy and overexcited that he can barely control himself, but his mom doesn't really share his excitement! It seems that this little guy needs to find some other way to play or his mom is going to be really mad at him for quite a while!"

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