Natalie Danelishen & Basil Valentine on The Freeman Report with James Freeman - 14 March 2024

4 months ago

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Natalie F Danelishen representative of the Free Cities Foundation. Before joining the Foundation, she worked for liberty-focused non-profit think tanks including the Mises Institute and the National Constitutional Law Union. Natalie is also a homeschooling mother of three.

Free Cities are self-governing territories that uphold individual rights and freedoms. Free Cities usually have a special legal status within their host state, which grants them autonomy to make decisions that affect their local community. This autonomy may allow Free Cities to make their own laws, introduce regulations, raise public funds, and deliver public services independently. Free Cities differ from other kinds of autonomous territories in that they emphasize upholding individual rights and freedoms. Unlike many other special jurisdictions common in the world today – such as Free Trade Zones – Free Cities are focused on providing more freedom and a better life to full residential communities, rather than simply offering advantages to businesses.

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Basil Valentine is a philosopher, poet, broadcaster, writer, musician, horse racing aficionado, and Leeds United supporter. He is a prolific Twitter poster and a regular contributor to TNT and the SUNDAY WIRE WITH PATRICK HENNINGSEN. follow him on Twitter/X: @says_basil.

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