S4E53 | “Dr. Marcel Polte - MK ULTRA, Ritual Abuse & Satanic Cult Connections, & Katy Groves Update”

3 months ago

Today I’m honored to finally get to introduce to you all: lawyer, researcher on scientific mysteries, MK ULTRA and SRA, writer and author of 3 books including his newest about survivor Katy Groves, survivor advocate, and someone who has been a huge inspiration for me and this podcast, Dr. Marcel Polte.

I was first introduced to Marcel through former guest, Ron Alan, who had met Marcel during a project he was supporting called, ‘50 Voices of Ritual Abuse’ - that many of you are familiar with if you’ve been following this podcast. Ron, having been showcased in the ‘50 Voices’ project, introduced me to Marcel in order so we could support the ​⁠ @50voicesofritualabuse project here on ‘The Imagination’. Marcel was the reason my incredible Season 4 opener episode was able to happen featuring courageous survivors Rachel Vaughan, Max Lowen and Elisa E - and I thank you with all my heart Marcel!. Marcel was so generous with collaborating and it was and has been an honor to have representation from that project on this podcast. And now it’s an honor to have Marcel on for his own episode.

Marcel worked for 15 years in international law firms as an expert for company law and has co-author of several specialist articles. In a parallel to his former day job in the law firm, he would research scientific mysteries for many years until that led to what would become a full-time passion. Marcel is the author of 3 incredible books - that can all be found on Amazon, “Dark New World Order Part 1: MK ULTRA Mind Control, Ritual Abuse and a Global Agenda”, “Dark New World Order Part 2: The Puppet Masters and Their Motives”, and his most recent book, “Uncle Sam’s: An Insider’s Report from the Hell of MONARCH Mind Control” which chronicles the testimony of survivor and whistleblower, Katy / Dylan Groves, who has all but vanished from the internet where for many years she took to YouTube and other platforms to whistleblow the horrors she experienced as a child and woke the world up in ways few had before. As mentioned, Marcel also supported a project called, “50 Voices of Ritual Abuse” where survivors of SRA, MK ULTRA and child sex trafficking came together from all over the world through testimony to share the horrors of ritual abuse in 10-15 minute videos. This project is an instrumental masterpiece in this survivor movement and I couldn’t have been more honored to help support this project with Marcel’s help.

Marcel is an example of how not all heroes wear capes. As a brilliant company man, Marcel could have easily kept his fascination with scientific mysteries to himself and could have stayed behind the scenes where it would have been easier. But he didn’t. He went left when most go right. I admire Marcel for his courage to be loud about unconventional topics and for all the work he’s created and assisted with that has helped this movement in monumental ways. The research Marcel has done on government-sponsored child slavery is astonishing and it brings conclusive evidence to the table that the horrors you hear about on this podcast from survivors aren’t just speculation, but FACT. His work is important because of the scientific ways it is broken down and explained and MOST of all because he takes the ‘conspiracy’ out of the theory. The history of MK ULTRA, SRA and mind control is beautifully broken down in his Dark New World Order Series, and the respectful credence he gives to Katy / Dylan Groves in ‘Uncle Sam’s’ is both touching and appropriate. All too often survivors go missing, discarded, discredited, and eventually forgotten about. The whistleblowing that Kay / Dylan did was not only critical for inspiring other survivors to come forward, but also because she opened up our eyes in a big, terrible way to this world of MK ULTRA and how cult systems work with the government in the global enterprise of child slavery. Marcel’s book brilliantly details the life of Katy / Dylan so that she may never be forgotten or her words erased. I encourage you all to dig into Marcel’s books and work as they are truly labors of love for all of us.

-Purchase ‘Uncle Sam’s’: Uncle Sam's: An Insider's Report from the Hell of Monarch Mind Control https://a.co/d/5KkRy0I
-Purchase ‘Dark New World Order Part 1: MKULTRA Mind Control, Ritual Abuse and a Global Agenda’: https://a.co/d/7CXuycX
-Purchase ‘Dark New World Order. Part 2: The Puppet Masters and their Motives’: https://a.co/d/3vsHB9o
-50 Voices of Ritual Abuse: https://www.50voices.org/en/start-en/
-Katy / Dylan Groves newest YT channel: https://youtube.com/@dylangroves6848?si=whdV9HDKlvRHk_4F

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Website: https://standbysurvivors.com/

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