11 months ago

Internet dating sites abuse their users in the most horrific ways. Be aware of these public reports, about some of the worst ones, before you go online. Know these facts, avoid naivete and be safe by reading this critical info. In your exploration of the sociology of modern dating, you will discover things about how the whole world works as well.

Our modern world, The Silicon Valley control of social media and dating sites and the culture of Big Tech data abuse has brought about the issues discussed here. If you are hoping to find out "who pays for the first meal?" , you will, in spades, but you will also find out why that is even an issue and who the people are (mostly Big Tech oligarchs) that made it an issue.

Your grandparents never had to deal with the things discussed here because the internet did not exist when they were around.

For horrors see the user reports at:

For Bumble horrors see the user reports at:

For Eharmony horrors see the user reports at:

For horrors see the user reports at:

For Zoosk horrors see the user reports at:

For OKCUPID horrors see the user reports at:

In fact, EVERY, corporate internet dating site is now a fake-profile-based, privacy harvesting, political spying, computerized scam service operating off of your emotional vulnerability in order to profit off of your basic needs. Dating site user data is worth billions and billions of dollars to political parties, corporate marketing companies, government agencies, your business competitors and others. A large number of the pictures are dead prostitutes and dead soldiers from Russia. Dating sites publicly say that they 'fight fake profiles' but privately they encourage fake profile providers because they make vast amounts of money using fake profiles to sucker-in new users.

Covered herein you will find: A Marriage Manual, A Pre-Nup, Online Security Notes, Detailed Issues about Online Dating, Tips And Comments From Most Online Dating Users, Scammer Warnings, Different Ideas of "Dating Rules" From Various Demographics, The Dating Site Hooker Tsunami And More...

The obvious question is: "If dating sites are so bad, why use them?" A quick reality check soon reveals the answer via the state of society: THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION THESE DAYS! You can't find and meet other single people in any other modern venue any more. You could in the 1950's. In the 2020's you can't. Nobody trusts strangers in public. If you go up to a stranger you risk getting maced, charged with stalking, being called a pervert, recorded on camera, posted on the web or other risks.

According to: "...the worst abuse you can cause yourself to endure is to try to date in San Francisco and Silicon Valley.

Generally: The goal of most women in the San Francisco Dating scene is to bag a Big Tech billionaire and get a mansion in the hills and share his AMEX black credit card for Stanford Shopping Center trips. The goal of most guys in the Bay Area is to get sex and then trade up for a younger model a few months later. There are exceptions to this generalization but online date users in the Bay Area, that have been online for over a year, can confirm that this is accurate.

Everyone on Bumble, Tinder, OK Cupid,, E-Harmony and the other corporate dating cartel sites, never take their profiles down even after getting a partner. They all say that they "want to keep their options open"... BUT in the Bay Area everyone always 'keeps their options open'...FOREVER! Users of dating sites have seen many of the same people on the site for over 20 YEARS!!! This inability to let go of the grass-is-always-greener-on-the-other-side-of-the-fence syndrome causes users to be caught in a dead-loop of social dysfunction. Everyone assumes that 'the next one will be richer, cuter, funnier, more employed, etc.' and they are always, always wrong to think that they will find a "perfect" person. Every single person has an addiction, mental problem, sex issue, hygiene or snoring issue (or other bad thing) that you will never find out about until years after you marry them. Just pick the next one and work hard to make it work.

In the modern world, there is no way to meet singles without the internet and corporate exploiters like IAC, Inc., Match Group and other ‘vagina vultures’ knowing that they can openly sucker you, in plain sight, and get away with it. In America, the FTC, and other agencies, never punish them because they pay politicians big bribes. President’s family members and staff own stock in these companies.

By using dating sites, you instantly embed yourself in a horse-race against a vast army of competing guys or gals where only the hottest, richest, funniest, most socially adept will win. Because these other people are forever competing for perfection, their relationships never last and they date for decades without end. Their STD rate is ten times higher. Their demands are ten times higher. Their expectations are ten times higher. Their dopamine addiction rate is ten times higher. Their commitment rate is ten times lower because they know they can just try-the-next-one if they are displeased.

"People that work at dating site companies are either out-sourced data entry contractors from Asian regions and/or college age kids with no comprehension of how life really works. They are usually bored at work so they read all of your emails and text messages. If you mention something political that goes against their zealotry then you get your sexier potential dates replaced with fat people or you get your profile shadow-banned. In fact, if you mention anything that one of these influencer-beholden, naive, worker bees does not agree with, you get shit-listed. Just remember this: if you typed it on a dating site, it is archived and searched on all the dating sites shared databases FOREVER!"

Help put all of the online dating sites and apps OUT OF BUSINESS for abusing their users and exploiting their privacy and emotional rights. Demand a common open-source public dating site!

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