The Resurrection - Part 11 (The Rapture part 3) | Pastor Paul Van Noy | 03/10/24

11 months ago

0:00 - Introduction
2:04 - Lesson Review
3:15 - The Purpose of the Tribulation
5:21 - The Church Age - Dispensation of Grace
6:20 - The Tribulation - Dispensation of Wrath
7:02 - Rev 6:15-17
7:41 - 2 Thess 2:7-12
9:49 - Rom 5:8-10 - Believers will not be left behind.
10:10 - 1 Thess 1:9b - 10
10:36 - 1 Thess 4:13-18
12:08 - 1 Thess 5 - The Tribulation is a Time Like No Other
12:54 - Jer 30:1-11
13:40 - Dan 12:1
14:06 - Matt 24:21-22
14:30 - Zech 13:8-9 - Consequence for Israel
16:41 - What is the Cause of the Tribulation? - Ezekiel 23:49
17:29 - Neglect of the Sabbath - Lev. 25:2-4
18:31 - A Warning From God - Lev. 25:2 - 4 and Lev. 26:33-35
19:39 - God Tells Israel that He will reciprocate accordingly
20:40 - Daniel recognizes that Israel has not repented
26:59 - Dan 9:13 - 27
30:46 - Remnants will be saved
31:41 - Overview
31:59 - What is the Rapture?
32:01 - 1 Thess 4:13-18
33:00 - Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
34:25 - The Rapture is the Blessed Hope
34:30 - The Purpose of the Rapture
34:37 - Final thoughts
36:09 - Closing Prayer

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