2024-03-13 GESARA Talk Show 203

11 months ago

March 13, 2024, The GESARA Talk Show 203 - Wednesday
Duration: 3:33:20

Hosts: Peter Walker (Cologne, Germany), Kirsten (NC. USA) and Barbara (FL, USA)

0:00:00 Introduction
0:01:43 Cajun Girl: Chequing Account Fraud
0:04:57 Leona: TV Series, man bought currency worth millions
0:07:12 Stella: Power Bill zeroed, Aus told WHO to get lost.
0:14:05 Big win over WEF and WHO video
0:20:47 Potsdam where WWII Treaty signed
0:22:14 Wolverine live chat report, Message from Ilopez, S.American Trader
0:28:44 What to do at your RV-Center appointment
0:33:37 Whales or Wales? Lizzy seen in Wales…
0:35:45 Words of a Digital Soldier
0:39:02 Banks, blockchain and the QFS
0:40:21 WWIII Ahead?
0:41:47 Is GESARA valid in Belgium? But not for Flat-Earthers…
0:43:16 Fake Kate Middleton Picture, Welsh Monoliths, 2001 a Space Odyssey?
0:48:10 GESARA News, March 13, 2024
1:09:14 Q&A Section
1:09:32 Pat: Dartmoor prison/sex offenders
1:14:52 Derek: Car alarm, Parkes/ N&D video
1:19:36 Derek/KC: Ascension
1:21:30 Derek: Attack his business, Products Tainted, Court hearing
1:26:33 KC: All Ascend now or not?
1:27:48 Derek: Change manager, Parkes/upsetting video?
1:32:54 Derek: Courts/police/treason, KC's Video #26, Paledians
1:38:07 Phillip: Show 27, Sleep issues, RV precautions, venders, NDA, Street rate?
1:43:27 Hannah: Ascension, D. State, forgive, Reap/Ripe/Rape? Puberty blockers
1:51:54 Cajun G. How illuminati create.. Mind controlled slave
1:57:50 Darren: Dr. Greer webinar/military team ww, D. State asteroid skim/tidal wave
2:01:33 Ashtara: Glastonbury sacred sites, Kaizen; vibrate OUT of the matrix
2:04:39 Vaccine detoxes, EO 13818, 'Never' Trumpers? Political flim-flams,
2:10:07 Yeshua, deep state hit list & collapse, Akashic Records,
2:14:08 Pointed attack, nuclear war prevented, David Wilcock,
2:17:12 Derek: What energetic techniques do you use during shows?
2:22:00 Pleadian Xi, St. Germaine, Unawakened friends/ relatives, No co joinding
2:28:00 David Wilcock/ Divine Cosmos (Offical): A Positive Change is Coming Soon (3-10-24)
2:28:50 Peter: Asked why we was no longer royalist. Royal family breakup
2:30:06 Barbara: Kirsten's video 27 on Rumble recommended
2:32:07 Peter: What happens to people who sell their souls indefinitely? Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
2:33:44 Barbara Q: What is the difference between negative ego & self-worth? (slaying ego?)
2:39:27 King Ptolemy, Ancient Temples, Obelisk crystals
2:40:00 Peter Q: (If we're becoming crystalline), Are we all going to become like stones? EMF sensitivities
2:43:32 Barbara Q: Will crystals at your front door deter soliciters?
2:44:42 Michael: Experiences discerning ego motivations, role of divine commandments
2:50:56 Growth through adversity, future creators, leading from the heart
2:54:30 Barbara Q: What was Iraq really about?
2:55:39 Derek Q: Was there really a deep state plan to divert an asteroid to hit the earth?
2:58:37 Galactic contact is happening, E.T.s here to save us
2:59:38 Dell: Christian 21 decoded, Evolution of GESARA currency spreadsheet, Iran pre-RV?
3:04:20 Dell Q: Will this financial blessing hinder our ascension? Earth's fiat slavery
3:07:29 www.alliance4ET.org, starseeds unite, usury debt removed!
3:09:52 Peter: Questioning a judge's mental state (talking to the dead?), Legal necromancy
3:10:51 Motu Proprio, 2013. Pope Francis; Dictator in Pontiff, Rift in the church
3:12:28 Dell: Also Rescinded 'Inter Caetera' issued by Pope Alexander VI on May 4th 1493
3:14:55 Dell Q: How long before money will become irrelevant? Flying cars, free eneregy, hyperbaric chambers
3:17:38 Peter: Flying car prototype clip c/o Kesch Foundation, nullifying gravity?
3:19:57 Ashtara: What beetle wings taught us
3:21:02 Barbara: Space tech dollhouse
3:22:02 Peter: Trip to Potsdam, 2 year Anniversary, US daylight savings silliness
3:23:26 Ashtara: Creating the future quantumnly, living your soverignity
3:24:32 Peter: Show post production
3:26:06 Ashtara: Jacob Rothchild recycled at Ganymede, Monoliths, nuclear disarmanent
3:31:34 Clip from 2001, A Space Odysey
3:33:20 End.

Getting started on the GESARA Show

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