Trump Declares, ‘Nobody’s Been Treated Like Trump in Terms of Badly’

3 months ago

Kelly: “Mr. President, I’m very curious about what it’s like for you your life. You know, you’re — no one’s gone through what you’ve gone through. Nobody in human history has really — and I know you have supporters, friends, family, they say it’s lonely at the top, and I’m actually curious, is it ever lonely for you? I mean, no one can fully relate to what you’ve been through and what you’re going through. Are you ever lonely?”
Trump: “So I was over the years — I love history, I study history — and I was always told that Andrew Jackson as a president was treated the absolute worst. He was just really lambasted. And I heard Abraham Lincoln was second, but he was in a thing called the Civil War so you can understand that, but Andrew Jackson was really, really treated badly. In fact, his wife died during the process. I mean, a lot of people say she died because of the way they were treated. And she was heartbroken and broken in so many other ways. And I heard that for years. And I look now — even last night I was saying it. I said there’s no — I don’t care, Andrew Jackson or anybody else. Nobody has — when you think of the fake things, nobody’s been treated like Trump in terms of badly. Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine. Everything was a scam and it literally starts a new one. As you win one, you start the other. Impeachment hoax number one, impeachment hoax, number two, all hoaxes and scams. And I said, if they ever devoted their time to making America great again it would be a lot easier. Some people say, ‘Sir, how do you get out of bed in the morning?’ It’s a war. We’re finding some very bad people, some very evil people.”

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