A vital piece of intel you may be missing...

11 months ago

Pay attention to locations, times and dates of where you have a dream. Do you know that often God will take you to a location to tell you something? He did this with the second dream in the Bible, the first dream of Jacob, Jacob's ladder. And it even changed the name of the city. Times and dates are just as important. We've seen God use a date, the numbers and a date, as actually an Ottendorf Cipher or a book cipher, that gave us a specific Scriptural reference that referenced the exact content in the dream. And then when this kind of stuff happens, I'm telling you, it's like a bridge from the past takes you to a new location where you realize that Scripture is alive and well and breathing. And God can reference it in dreams, not just through dates and times, but even in the midst of the content that He gives you in the dream.

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