Meditation for the United States Total Solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8th 2024 at 6:18 PM UTC

3 months ago

Make this viral to everyone in the USA! Forward to friends, post on social media, notify people you know who have large mailing lists, and send to people with large viewing audiences!

Two events in 2024 will have the most impact on the future of the United States of America. One is the total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th, 2024. The other is the presidential election on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024.

The energy of the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8th presents the opportunity for a moment of decision for citizens of the United States, where people in the United States can decide what our future will be.

To take advantage of this powerful moment, there will be a 20-minute synchronized meditation taking place at the peak of the solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th 2024, at 6:18 PM UTC. The intent of this meditation is to restore the Constitution of the United States of America as written and intended by the founding fathers and to usher in the new era of the Age of Aquarius.

Here are times for each of the US time zones: Honolulu at 8:18 AM, Anchorage at 10:18 AM, Los Angeles at 11:18 AM, Denver at 12:18 PM, Chicago at 1:18 PM, and New York at 2:18 PM.

While it is very important for as many people as possible in the United States to do this meditation, people in other countries may support this as well! See below for instructions for this meditation.

The Declaration of Independence, ratified on July 4th 1776, the US Constitution, ratified on June 21st 1788, and the Bill of Rights, ratified on December 15th 1791, are three documents that codified the sovereign rights of individuals and the rightful role of the new United States government in protecting those rights. These documents gave the United States independence from the British Crown – and gave the rights of self-determination and self-governance to the people of the United States.

Some of the most famous and influential sentences in the English language are from the Declaration of Independence, such as this:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”


This passage came to represent a moral standard to which the United States should strive.

The Ascended Master Saint Germain amazingly appeared in the room when the 56 Signers gathered in Independence Hall in Philadelphia to sign the Declaration of Independence on July 2nd 1776. There had been hesitation on the part of the 56 men in the room because they knew they would be hunted down for treason, however, Saint Germain gave them courage and encouraged them to sign it. The Declaration of Independence was ratified two days later on July 4th, 1776.

Saint Germain has been working since the 1700s to create the United States of America, destined to become “The New Atlantis,” a country that could lead the world and let each citizen connect with his or her own soul and higher self, as we strive individually and as a collective to create a utopian society of peace, cooperation, and understanding.

The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution with its Bill of Rights are the documents written to form the foundation of the return of Atlantis on Earth. You can read more about the interesting plan for The New Atlantis and the people behind it here:

Now, 248 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence and at a time in 2024 when Pluto is in the same position in Aquarius as it was at the birth of the United States 248 years earlier, the United States faces never-before-seen economic and moral decline. The United States is in danger of imploding.

The country is burdened with rampant inflation and debt, a decline in its educational and business enterprises, erosion of families and morals, worsening health, deteriorating cities, the influx of illegal immigration, declining standards in manufacturing, agriculture, education and governance, as well as decline in military power.

In addition, there is significant political corruption. Elected representatives of the United States are nearly all guilty of receiving bribes and are subject to blackmail. The members of Congress and the judicial arm of government silently ignore the US Constitution. Members of the United States Congress continue to vote to fund foreign war after foreign war.

With the meditation on Monday, April 8th, at the energetic peak of the total solar eclipse, and the presidential election seven months later, American citizens have two huge opportunities to wake up, turn the country around, and reclaim the sovereignty that is ours.

As stated earlier, it is important that as many people as possible do this meditation at the same time on April 8th for it to be the most beneficial. Scientific studies have confirmed the positive effects of mass meditations on human society, as discussed here:

Join the synchronized meditation as shown below and begin at the correct time in your time zone. You’ll feel the citizens of the United States sitting down with you. We can fix our country and, in fact, make it even better than before!

Here are the times to meditate in each of the US time zones. In Los Angeles: 11:18 AM; Denver: 12:18 PM; Chicago: 1:18 PM; New York: 2:18 PM. In Honolulu, it will be at 8:18 AM and in Anchorage at 10:18 AM. The path of totality spans more than one time zone, so be sure to meditate at the correct time for your location on April 8th.

This table shows the time of the meditation for various time zones:

You can add to the power of your meditation if you travel to a location along the “Path of Totality”, where the eclipse is 100% visible to those on the ground. The larger cities along the path of totality include San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas in Texas; Little Rock, Arkansas; Bloomington and Indianapolis in Indiana; Dayton and Cleveland in Ohio; Erie, Pennsylvania; Buffalo, Rochester, and Plattsburgh in New York. There are many places in between these cities, all along the 100% Path of Totality of the solar eclipse on April 8th.

Here is another map that shows the path of the totality:
Click on this link for the map:

If you click on the + sign on the map, you can zoom in to see smaller cities and highways, all along the way.

Here is the facebook event for this meditation:

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