11 months ago

Far too many sheep have had the wool pulled over their eyes. Bo-peep time to awaken the sheep to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. A 'One Mind-set' inclusively for all, the erosion of individualism. The ambitious implementing of Cancel Culture through political correctness.

The ACT Party David Seymour calling the Reserve Bank Of NZ leader out for employing an Inclusion, Diversity Advice Officer. Christopher Luxon is a feminist says he is a believer in more Inclusion and Diversity and wants more of it in National Party's 'Great Reset'. Inclusion, Diversity Initiatives that aggressively oppose heteronormative.
Referencing the 'Queer' theory, the representation of gender is its construction,' declares the Italian-American feminist theorist Teresa de Lauretis, who coined the term 'queer theory' in 1990. The 'Queer' Theory has been pushed in NZ for some time now, its not new. encourage teachers to analyze gender and sexuality through a queer theory lens to promote students' exploration of gender. The Queer Theory sits under the umbrella of Diversity and Inclusion embedded with Cancel Culture and rotten to the core with 'oppressor vs oppressed' -critical race analysis, racial bias, gender ideological diversity and inclusion. This is all destructive to building Unity and Peace, it is in fact the opposite to building Unity, Peace. Its important that people individually set their own personal boundaries not allow others to do that for them. Don't be afraid of the truth, recognize destructive forces and their political alliances.

13/4/2022 Jan Tinetti speaker in the House (Beehive website) on Diversity and Inclusion referring to Relationship Sexuality Curriculum in Schools (RSE) developed in collaboration with teachers, young people, universities, govt depts and NGO's supports teaching 'pornography in the delivery of RSE to students in the schools curriculum. 14/10/2019 Ian Lees Galloway supporting thriving Inclusion and Diversity. The Office of Ethnic Committee (Resource Govt Dept) across all regions of NZ promoting Diversity and Inclusion advising Govt departments. Exploiting a shift to Local and Regional Councils to raise awareness of Diversity and Inclusion. The Christchurch Call promoted by Christopher Luxon includes Diversity and Inclusion, a one mind-set for all people. For all people to think and behave the same. The political targeting of freedom of speech by using Identity Politics and collaborating with Cancel Culture.

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