Juicy J's 🔥🔥🔥HOT TOPICS🔥🔥🔥-Ron DeSantis DROPS OUT-NATO MOBILIZES 90K-Pakistani Rocket ATTACK

10 months ago

On tonight's episode we cover the announcement by the DeSantis Campaign to end his bid for president, the recent attacks on Iran by Pakistan, NATO's latest war games, Ukraine's latest mobilization plans, and more. Oh and yes we will be showing combat footage!
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#trump #donald #donaldtrump #maga #president #court #courtcase #supremecourt #ussupremecourt #statesupremecourt #state #states #michigan #maine #colorado #unitedstates #us #america #northamerica #west #western #westernhemishere #world #earth #planet #whitehouse #dc #biden #makeamericagreatagain #byedon #letsgobrandon #conservative #liberal #progressive #ultraliberal #libtard #neocon #neoconservative #neocuck #politics #uspollitics #geopolitics #currentpolitics #latestpolitics #poitical #politicalintrigue #politician #politicians #congress #senate #house #houseofrepresentatives #representative #government #trump2024 #biden2024 #stop #steal #the #stopthesteal #election #fraud #stolen #electionfraud #stolenelection #january #j6 #insurrection #rebellion #rebellions #insurrectionist #freedom #justice #revolution #revolutionary #woke #waken #awaken #awake #sleep #asleep #sheep #thrideye #conspiracy #shadow #shadowgovernent #deepstate #deep #deepthought #deepthinker #freethinker #think #independentthinker #independence #patriot #patriotism #code #secretcode #secretsociety #society #immigrant #immigrants #border #illegal #illegals #illegalimmigrant #illegalimmigrants #immigration #illegalimmigration #migrant #migrants #migration #borders #bordercontrol #borderagents #agents #texas #arizona #newmexico #california #mexico #centralamerica #southamerica #caribbean #law #laws #refugee #brown #white #black #whitevsvblack #brownvsblack #whitevsbrown #war #wars #globalwar #race #racist #racists #racerealist #racy #acebait #racewar #wignat #natsoc #national #nationals #nationalist #social #socials #socialist #socialists #socialjustice #humanities #whites #supremacy #whitesupremacy #blackpower #power #powerpanel #openpanel #liveopenpanel #lateopenpanel #daypanel #realpanel #talkpanel #middaypanel #newpanel #channelpanel #news #realnews #latenews #recentnews #latestnews #usnews #americannews #politicalnews #politicalnews #currentnews #eventnews #nationalnews #hotnews #trendingnews #newnews #popularnews #capitalhill #districtofcolumbia #lawyer #channel #search #trending #trendingtopics #algorithm #suggested #suggestedvideos #recentlyuploaded #watchagain #searchbar #newvideos #trend #trendingtopic #hottopic #populartopic #popular #newtopic #new #latesttopic #foreignaffairs #affairs #info #information #informative #informational #infotainment #education #educational #edutainment #russia #ukraine #ukrianewar #war #warinukraine #ukrainewar2023 #ukrainewar2024 #putin #zelensky #donbass #nato #csto #eu #worldorder #azov #wartime #warcrime #wagnergroup #missile #missilestrike #worldpolitics #foreignpolitics #foreignaffairs #currentaffairs #currentevents #diplomats #diplomat #country #countries #abroad #travel #gun #guns #automaticrifles #tanks #fighters #battle #battles #jet #footage #combatfootage #combat #destroy #destruction #city #ruins #footage #nato #open #campaign #battles #wars #brutality #warcrime #destruction #worldwars #worldatwar #destroyer #end #endtimes #endofdays

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