Daughter Throws Snowball With Hidden Stone inside "Just misses Dads Head!"

6 years ago

Daughter Throws a Snowball at her Dad not realizing it has a stone in it and just Misses Dads Head!
We were all So excited to Finally have some Snow as it had been teasing us for days, snowing a bit then stopping again, we were all begging for the snow to settle so the kids could play in it! We Live in England and the last time we had snow was five years ago, so when it finally settled enough to make snowballs we were all straight outside gathering enough snow to throw at each other, but this nearly ended in an injury when our daughter managed to pick up a snowball with a stone in it without knowing and throw it at her Dad! The Stone Only Just missed her Dads head and then hit the fence at some force making a loud Bang!
Our Youngest Daughter also fell over slipping on the snow as she was running very excitedly to play, but she was fine and picked herself up and carried on playing.
We all still had a Lovely family time playing in the snow and it even snowed more later that day enough to make a big Snowman!
But it was a close call for Dad and Keira, but we have learnt our lesson from this, to be more careful even if you are supper excited :-D Be sure to check out our other funny Videos of our Pets and more and also CassieStudios on YouTube Thanks.

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