Kali Nethunter Pro apps setup on Pinephone

5 months ago

Recorded using 'ScreenPal', a Jabra headset, and a Motorola moto g30.

This is a how-to for setting up the Kali nethunter apps on the Pinephone after you've installed it.

This video assumes you have already installed nethunter on the pinephone as per David Bombal's guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1bDofmvhNw


// Connect to a network
// Set correct date/time

// -Console-

sudo -i
apt update
apt upgrade

apt install vim

// You need a command line-based text editor for updating the 'sources' list.

// The 'sources' list needs to be updated or it will fail to install the needed Kali software (some is 'non-free').

vim /etc/apt/sources.list

// In the top line, just before the part where it says 'non-free-firmware', add 'non-free'.

// The vim commands to save and exit are:

// esc, :x, enter allows save and exit

// Now do the following commands:

apt update

// This ensures the updated sources.list file takes effect.

// The following commands install the prerequisites to the Nethunter Pro suite, although I believe you can skip these and go straight to
// installing the suite itself. Useful for reference though.

apt install armitage
apt install metasploit
apt install msfpc
apt install nmap

// Now to actually install the nethunter suite.

apt install kali-linux-nethunter

// There will be a few prompts about how to configure different tools. Go with recommended settings unless you know
// what you're doing.

// After the install is done, reboot the phone. Once it reboots, it will be in desktop interface mode.
// You will need a USB keyboard with USB-C to USB-A adapter here (unless you have a USB-C keyboard).

// Login using the standard 'kali' user.
// Open up a terminal, and do the following commands:

sudo systemctl disable lightdm
sudo systemctl enable phosh

// The above commands change the GUI back to a phone-optimised interface.

// Reboot the phone, and you should be back to a more normal login screen.

// Once you have logged in, you should see the Kali apps!

Useful sources:

// To turn off haptic feedback: gsettings set org.sigxcpu.feedbackd profile silent
// To turn haptic feedback back on: gsettings set org.sigxcpu.feedbackd profile full

// Additional note: 'lightdm' is actually a display manager, not a UI.

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