Uncensor The Band Famous! See our featured video, this was our first attempt to upload and it cuts off at 48 minutes.

11 months ago

This upload didn't share the full 1:11:11 despite what the thumbnail tells you! That's how censored The Band Famous is! Here is the FULL 1:11:11 documentary:


Before Facebook Live existed, before Instagram Live existed, before Periscope, before all the livestream apps, first they made The Band Famous.

They notably got support from technology superstar Greg Deocampo (Emergency Broadcast Network, co-founder Adobe After Effects), infamous hacker Kim Dotcom, comedian Tom Green, and more!

Censorship is real, and now more relevant than ever with the recent ban on TikTok, and more bans likely coming. Free speech is now a crime! But why has The Band Famous been so heavily censored by the deep state for years? Watch this documentary to come to your own conclusions.

The Band Famous®

Email info@bandfamous.com
Text/Call 646-384-9890

Additional Credits:
Special Thanks to everyone mentioned in this documentary.
Special Thanks to Vecteezy for Secret Stock Footage used in intro.
Special Thanks to all who help share this story and all who help fight to #uncensorthebandfamous

A TBF Documentary


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