A Dream Can Reveal Next Steps!

11 months ago

Did you know that dreams can be a step in a process that God has you on? Did you know that you can go back and look at old dreams and you can find other pieces and maybe even further direction of how to get where God's called you to go? You know, God will take you to one location, keep you there for a while, and then tell you to go to another location. We're going to see how God told Joseph to leave and go to Egypt because Herod was trying to kill Jesus. And then later He appeared to him in a dream again and He said, okay, now go back. And then He further guided his steps with more direction in a dream later. He also told the same thing to the wise men using direction in dreams. So if you feel lost and you're like, man, I had a dream, but I don't know what the actionable intelligence is or where to go or what to do. Go back and look at other dreams with similar themes and also look at similar dates and even similar timestamps and certainly similar locations.

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