Why Should?

11 months ago

[Reflective & Contemplative Poem Collection]

Being happy and unthreathened when life is going well for others is a great gift, both to them and to ourselves …. it is goodwill and gratitude in action and part of …… the law of attraction.

Sometimes it is challenging to feel kindly all the time, yet it is a journey well worth pursuing …. so
‘shine and be your best’ with reverence, justice and generosity and live the life you aspire to.

This poem will be part of a collection that I refer to as 'Reflective & Contemplative’ poems which contains ‘an Analytical and Pensive blend of observational ditties and experiences.

For my creations completed to date from all Poem Collections, see Rumble “Louiseiology & Poetry” https://rumble.com/c/LouiseiologyPoems or https://rumble.com/user/Louiseiology

For more from my ‘Poem Collections’ or ‘Playlists’ see YouTube “Poetry From Me @ Louiseiology” https://www.youtube.com/@Louiseiology

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Poem wording:-

Why Should?

I wonder … why should the ‘good’ of
another somehow threaten you?!
Can we not each shine and be our best,
without begrudgery, or making a right to do?!

It is ‘jealousy’? or even a lack of ‘personal autonomy’?
Being pushed now to seek guidance …
from the “Book of Deuteronomy”. OMG.
The Lord … He laughs, a right guffaw …
As in my knowledge of biblical passages …
to Him, I am a complete ‘daw’!!!

I chuckle myself …. yet I may go and research it.
I may as well look at that, rather than the occult!!
I’ll get back to the writing, when I’ve had time to consult!!

Hours later….. literally ….
“Lord, could we just pretend You suggested
research via computers or astronomy?!” …
“Can’t people do it for themselves?”…
“Ok Ok …. Love and Obey!!”

The fifth book of the Bible (Old Testament)
and the final book of the Torah.
That's what I learnt about Deuteronomy!

In it, there is a reflection on the journey
that has been and Moses recaps
on the ten commandments.
It guides us to LOVE God
and OBEY God, with Reverence, Justice & Generosity.
A wish expressed that we ‘Choose God’
“… I have set before you life and death,
blessing and cursing. Choose therefore life, …” (Dt 30:19)…

I reckon it’s the bit about Justice & Generosity,
that relates to the question posed at the start.
We all need to Love and act with a full Heart.

So, don’t let the good of another threaten you.
No need for a right to do.
We can each shine and be our best,
when we choose to love and obey,
with reverence, justice and generosity.
Each and every day!

22nd November 2023
Reflective & Contemplative Poem Collection.

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