Cute Little Girl Makes A Hilarious Ponytail Hair Tutorial

6 years ago

You don't have to be a professional hairstylist to create fashionable and fun little girl’s hairstyles. With an easy how-to-do-it tutorials on the web you can have the perfect hair in just a few minutes. The little girl in this video showed us how to make a ponytail on a hair practice mannequin head.

Charlie has been watching her YouTube videos and seriously doing her homework. Like all the tutorial makers out there, she is also one of a kind. She locks herself in her room, and finds magic in the camera as she just lets her personality shine through with her witty anecdotes and how-to knowledge.

She tries her hand at a ponytail in this video, narrates her every move and does not miss a beat or an opportunity to make you smile. How can she, she is as focused and as committed to what she is coaching all the world to do as a nuclear physicist. The whole hairstyle is so easy to pull off that it makes us laugh out loud. At first she brushes the mannequin’s hair with using only her hands and then she takes a little strip of hair and ties it with a hair band. And that’s it! That’s the whole philosophy! You’ve got yourself a perfect hairstyle.

We hope you have enjoyed this video as we did. If there are any other tutorials you'd like her to take a stab at, please write to her or leave us a note in the comment section!

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