We Are Lebanon, Pa - Theresa Johnson

11 months ago

Theresa Johnson has semi-recently retired from the Lebanon VA Medical Center. She has always been active in the community but since then she has kicked it into high gear. We do these videos to promote positivity and there's no one I've met more positive than Theresa. I hope you'll watch her interview but even more I hope you're lucky enough to meet Theresa some day. She is an encouragement to everyone she knows.

Theresa came in to do an interview for us here and then we had a cancellation and she kindly did one for our other project This Is Why I Believe. Be sure to check that out as well!


We Are Lebanon, Pa is a FREE positivity campaign produced by Annubis Productions. We'd love to do a positivity campaign like this for your church or business. Be sure to contact Annubis Productions for all your film and video needs!

If you'd like to support these videos you can now donate here: donorbox.org/we-are-lebanon-pa

Special thanks to the Lebanon Valley Council On The Arts. Please visit and support your local Arts Council. Memberships are only $25 a year!

#growlebanon #mylebanon #positivity #minidoc #risingtidesliftallboats #wearelebanonpa #annubisproductions
Shot on RED Digital Cinema, Canon C200 and the - Edited with Adobe Video, Music supplied by Soundstripe.

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