ERGO, EGO! ~ Daily Chaos

2 months ago

Tuesdays 2-3pm EDT / 7-8pm GMT

(Slight change tonight: 2 hour show due to clock change in the US but not in the UK, and with the show co-streamed to US and UK networks.)

No set guests. Perusing the shtories of the week and generally wondering why this planet is run by paedos, psychos, wackos and weirdos.

In the second hour former Pendragon turned Holistic Radio (on Telegram) founder Andy "Zen Pagan" Lancashire and long-time truther and Olly's former co-host Piers Garnham pop in to discuss staying sane in a mad world and why or who to vote for in this election year and given the UK's broken, corrupted electoral system.

Here's to us and #buggerplutocracy.

Olly Connelly
Producer, Daily Chaos

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